Stella Shouting Contest
Sophie's Lounge at .ZACK
Sunday, May 7, 2017; 4pm
Break out those ripped t-shirts and join the Tennessee Williams Festival St. Louis for the city’s only Stella! Shouting Contest. Contestants* will be judged by our panel of distinguished festival guests as they recreate the famous scene from A Streetcar Named Desire.
This event is free! For tickets to other programs or to purchase a Festival Pass follow the links below.
Sign up
First 5 people to sign up get a FREE ticket to OPENING NIGHT of the Festival’s marquee production – Small Craft Warnings!
1st Prize – 1 case of Stella Artois
2nd Prize – 6 pack of Stella Artois
3rd Prize – Festival Poster
Those interested in showing off their vocal chops must email to be placed on the list.
*Contestants must be 21+ to enter
Ben Nordstrom
Maggie Conroy
Image Gallery - 2016
Sophie's Lounge at .ZACK
3224 Locust Street
St. Louis, MO 63103